Published Writing
A selection of recent publications you can read online.
Apex: “The End of the Middle”
ergot: “Purification”
Factor Four: “The God the AIs Built”
Uncharted: “Mr. Balloon”
The Razor: “Invitation to the Rapture”
The Deadlands: “It Takes Time for the Body”
Strange Horizons: “Ode to Great Heaps of Stuff Not Unlike to Men’s Guts”
Samjoko: “Paean to Soccer” and two other poems
Abyss & Apex: “All These Different Flavors of Smells”
Packingtown Review: “Ode to the Japanese Giant Hornet”
Escape Pod: “The Librarian”
Drabblecast: “The Liver” (the second story in the episode Trifecta: Unnatural Growth)